Grain & Grounds is a morning video podcast produced by Secure The Harvest. On Grain & Grounds we talk about various topics relating to the church, provide Biblical messages that empower, we include fun segments in every episode and interview a variety of guests.
New Episodes Every Tuesday at 8pm CST.
The Acts Bible Study Course is a series of videos created by Lindsay and produced by Secure The Harvest. These videos are an introduction to the full-course that will be available in March of 2023 or gain access when you become a monthly Clutch Compadre Supporter on Patreon.
New Episodes Every Thursday at 8pm CST
Evening Extras is a live show created to investigate and present current and past Biblical Archaeological finds throughout the world. On the show, we take virtual tours of sites, read fascinating articles, and have conversations with archaeologists and scholars.
New Episodes Every Saturday at 9pm CST.
Surrounding Jesus is a series produced by Secure the Harvest. Each episode features an apostle or a friend of Jesus throughout his earthly ministry. We break down historical record of each person, their position in Jesus’ life, and what we can learn from them as we walk with Jesus.
New Episodes Every Sunday at 8pm CST.
Wormholes is a weekly show created to investigate Christian and historical myths revolving around Christianity. Each week, we look into different claims and stories involving the church and search for the truth.
Origins is a series currently in development by Secure The Harvest. This series will take a deep-look into the origins of our universe, our planet, humanity, and the Biblical account of Genesis.