Stephen’s Courage – The Speech that Led to the Stoning of Stephen
Stephen’s Speech: The Stoning of Stephen
Stephen faces the Sanhedrin in the most courageous way. Throughout The Book of Acts, we see Peter face the Sanhedrin. The difference is that Stephen knew his standing opposition to the Sanhedrin would lead to his death.
The Process
In his Speech, Stephen recounts the history of the patriarchs. He details the map from Abraham to Jesus in an authentic way. By doing this, he’s laying into the Sanhedrin. He’s reminding them of God’s promises and the fulfillment of those promises through Jesus.
What We Learn
Stephen’s speech has many take-aways though one is most important for us as we, ourselves, seek God and stand up to opposition: Faith Over Fear. Even when we are down, we must retain faith and hope that Jesus IS at the right hand of the father. Stephen saw it as he was overtaken by the stones that slaughtered him.
Be strong in your faith. There will be times that you face opposition and when those faith-shaking events arise, remember that Jesus is at the right hand of the father. Jesus is with you and He will be your strength.
You can join Lindsay daily for additional content on YouTube. Secure The Harvest is a YouTube Channel dedicated to researching and teaching about Biblical Archaeology, Church History, Doctrine, and all things Christianity.
The focus is to bring Christians closer to Christ and teach those outside of the church more about what the Christian Faith represents at it’s foundations.
Christianity has faced a lot of opposition over the years, but it is our goal to find the courage of Stephen within ourselves and have faith that Christ remains in us all and will be there to do the hard lifting when it comes to apologetics.