
The James Webb Space Telescope: God’s Creation Exposed


God’s Creation Exposed: A look at the James Webb Space Telescope

God’s Creation Exposed

On Christmas day 2021, NASA launched the 10 Billion dollar (lifetime cost) telescope into the cosmos. The James Webb Space Telescope is the largest optical telescope that is currently in space. It’s first images were released in July of 2022. If the world wasn’t asking questions before, they were sure asking them now.

Initial Discussions

Since the project was initially discussed, the public has asked a lot of questions. One of the most important, if the JWST will indeed disprove the existence of God. A fair question given that the mission of this project is to search for light, evidence of formations, and the origins of first starts that would have been created after the “big bang.”

Christian Theology

Christians don’t necessarily agree with the big bang explanation. We believe in the creation account of Genesis. However, there are some Christians who hold the claim that God did use the big bang to create the universe. And some even agree with the more secular view that stars, galaxies, planets, and the like were slowly formed over billions of years. However, unlike the secular science community, these Christians believe it was created over billions of years at God’s hand.

The Other Side of Christian Theology

The other side of Christian belief is that the term ‘big bang’ is only a descriptor of that initial action by God to create the universe as the Bible describes. These Christians would say the ‘big bang’ is simply just Creation and not give it such a term.

There are many problems presented on why big bang cosmology is false, and there are also Christians who support the science behind the big bang and make claims that it does indeed fit into the Genesis account of creation.

I won’t dig into that today, but wanted to state that there are two Christian views.

Will the JWST disprove God?

My simple answer is no, they’re not going to be able to disprove God. I think the James Webb will provide some answers but with each answer there will spring up additional questions. The universe is already so complex and even the most brilliant minds can only generate theories.

When I look at these images, I’m in awe. I see the work, the creation of an artist far more advanced (and perfect) than the human mind can truly conceptualize. I’m of the belief that we look at things like this and we truly cannot grasp the beginning of what all could be out there.

View the images here

Psalms 19:1

Psalms 19:1 says, “The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands.” I believe that’s what we’re seeing here. I believe that we are seeing the work of God’s hands and the heavens declare the glory of God.


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