Grain & Grounds

How God’s Family Helps You Grow


In Acts 2 , we read about the early church

Before we get into the scripture, I want you to understand how important the temple grounds were to Israel’s community life. The early church didn’t see themselves as starting a whole new religion. The early Christians were Jewish people who were praising God for the arrival of their promised salvation. This brought on incredible joy and praise on a daily basis.

In verses 46 & 47, we get an encouraging picture. “Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.

God’s Family

That’s God’s family. And, that’s kind of what I want to create here with Secure The Harvest. I want this community to serve as a temple courts of sorts. A family. I want Grain and Grounds to be a place where we can fellowship, start our day with a simple reminder that we were created for God’s family – the family with a promised salvation. Regardless of what kind of church you go to or what doctrines you believe, at it’s simplicity a Christian is someone who believes in Jesus’ death and resurrection and chooses to follow his teachings.

Yes, there’s so much more to dive into, and we certainly will, but I want it to be known that this is family that comes together in the name Jesus. Orthodox, Catholic, Protestants, and those who feel called to find truth. Relax, because you’re all surrounded by family.

Grain & Grounds

We will start our morning by sowing our daily grain, enjoying our favorite morning beverages with sincere hearts. Praising God and rejoicing in each other’s company.

That’s my hope at least. We will add to our numbers daily and encourage one another.

How God’s Family Helps You Grow

Once we build this community, how do we help one another?

I want to first note that this community is NOT a replacement for a church home. I encourage you to look in your local community and find a church. At some point we will be talking about what to look for in a potential church home, but that video will be in the future.

When it comes to growing spiritually, we have to remember we need each other for this. This is something I’ve had a hard time with because I feel like people, Christian people in particularly, have really let me down.

I realized that for me to fully commit to growing spiritually, I had to accept that Christian people are … shocker…. people. And, I had to stop holding them to such a high standard. A standard, I couldn’t even obtain. First, I had to show myself grace and once I was able to do that, it became a lot easier to show others the grace that Jesus provides for both of us.

We need each other. To hold each other accountable and also to show each other grace. And that’s what is so cool about fellowship and the idea of sharing meals, breaking bread, and sharing in each other’s pain, learning, and joy. We learn from each other and in our acts of service to and for one another, we grow. This is called discipleship.

Secure The Harvest

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